Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Garbeau’s Dinner Theatre Closing

To Mark and Andrea:

We wish you all the best and look forward to your reopening in a new and better location!

David and Pat Jacobson

SENT BY: Mark Ferreira, CEO, Garbeau’s
DATE: April 7, 2009
CONTACT: Mark Ferreira, 916-985-6361

After launching a two-month campaign to try to save Garbeau's Dinner Theatre and twice believing they might have succeeded, owners of the 27-year old community landmark have announced they will be closing their doors on May 31st. "We obviously misinterpreted our landlord," said Mark Ferreira, CEO and co-owner of Garbeau's.

The owners had believed that after meeting a well-publicized financial deadline on March 16th, they would be able to negotiate rent with their Washington-based landlord, Andy Lakha of Lakha Investments, Inc., headquartered in Bellevue, Washington. Instead, they were told the negotiations would be dependent on a new April 1st deadline, which was met with help from the offices of Senator Dave Cox, Senator Darrel Steinberg, and Board of Equalization Member Bill Leonard. "When we opened, we made a disproportionately large sales tax deposit," Ferreira explained, "and their offices moved with incredible speed to reassess the deposit and refund a substantial portion."

While declining to negotiate the rent, Lakha did offer to waive all past and future monies owed in exchange for a clean walk away. "We appreciate his allowing us to operate through May 31st and we hope the best for his future tenant," Ferreira said.

Garbeau’s is continuing plans for their Easter brunch, comedy nights, Thursday evening karaoke, their current weekend production There’s a Little Bit of Broadway in Everyone, and closing parties through May. Until then, the owners are asking everyone who has a memory at Garbeau's to come as a patron or visitor and sign a wall in their theater. "Even though it will be eventually painted over, we want Garbeau's to have a permanent presence here," said co-owner Andrea Castel.

Though reopening Garbeau’s in the future is a possibility, Ferreira says discussing it is premature. “For now, we would simply like to celebrate our last production surrounded by friends.” He concluded, “We did the best we could with what we had and we will be forever grateful for the community support we’ve received.”

Garbeau's website is posting information regarding which theaters have pledged to honor Garbeau's season passes through 2009. More information can be found at www.garbeaus.com or by calling Garbeau’s box office at (916) 985-6361.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Been a Rocky Horror show attendee since the inception. Deeply disapointed but hoping for a future venue for all your incredibly talented troops. Guess all good things do come to a......curtain call.