Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Join us for a screening of the film Charlie's Closet.

One Day Only!

Please join us for a special private screening of this feature length film.

Saturday August 21 at 1:00 PM

Jill Solberg Performing Arts Theater (at Folsom High School)

1655 Iron Point Road, Folsom

(entrance off Prairie City Road)

Charlie's Closet is written and directed by El Dorado Hills Native Spencer Reed, and starring El Dorado Musical Theatre alums Spencer Borup as Charles Cordell, and Matthew Provencal as Tort. The film also features EDMT alums Amy Foulk, Terry Hicks, Devin Holliman, Chris Meissner, and Mariah Muehler with a guest appearance from Phillip Borup.

The film follows the story of a young adolescent girl, Zoe Jacobs (Esling), and her family who have recently moved to a new home. Zoe, lost and confused in her new environment, finds an unexpected friend in Charles Cordell (Borup), an aspiring author who just so happens to be the monster she found in her closet. Charlie's Closet outlines the struggle of Charlie and Zoe to be different in a world that is striving to be the same. It is a compelling tale of true platonic friendship centered on themes of taking hold of your destiny and remembering that "every moment to live is a moment to love".

The film is rated PG for Mild Language, and possible dangerous situations, along the lines of those contained in films such as Edward Scissorhands or Monsters Inc.

Tickets are just $7.00 online with a $0.50 convenience fee, or $7.00 at the door.

Online tickets available at www.edmt-tickets.com

This is a fundraiser to help support the Producer/Director of this independent film in future film making efforts as well as support for El Dorado Musical Theatre.

If you are interested in volunteering to be an usher or help in the ticket booth,

please contact:

Wade Sherman

Executive Producer

El Dorado Musical Theatre

(916) 941-SING


Donations Welcome

EDMT is a 501c3 non-profit organization that relies on charitable giving and sponsorships to thrive. Ticket sales and tuition alone cover only 60% of annual expenses. Donations may be directed to the Scholarship Fund, Building Fund, or general operations. Thank you for your generosity. Donations may be made online at www.edmt-tickets.com or by mailing to the EDMT office (see address below).

(Tax ID: 80-0001275)

El Dorado Musical Theatre is an award-winning, regional youth theater with a

mission to build confidence for life through excellence in theater performance.

PHONE 916-941-SING (7464) · FAX 916-941-7465

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Publish Post Save NowSave as Draft Return to list of postsIn a message dated 8/4/2010 12:35:07 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, lindaclark@edmt.info writes:

Join us for a screening of the film Charlie's Closet.

One Day Only!

Please join us for a special private screening of this feature length film.

Saturday August 21 at 1:00 PM

Jill Solberg Performing Arts Theater (at Folsom High School)

1655 Iron Point Road, Folsom

(entrance off Prairie City Road)

Charlie's Closet is written and directed by El Dorado Hills Native Spencer Reed, and starring El Dorado Musical Theatre alums Spencer Borup as Charles Cordell, and Matthew Provencal as Tort. The film also features EDMT alums Amy Foulk, Terry Hicks, Devin Holliman, Chris Meissner, and Mariah Muehler with a guest appearance from Phillip Borup.

The film follows the story of a young adolescent girl, Zoe Jacobs (Esling), and her family who have recently moved to a new home. Zoe, lost and confused in her new environment, finds an unexpected friend in Charles Cordell (Borup), an aspiring author who just so happens to be the monster she found in her closet. Charlie's Closet outlines the struggle of Charlie and Zoe to be different in a world that is striving to be the same. It is a compelling tale of true platonic friendship centered on themes of taking hold of your destiny and remembering that "every moment to live is a moment to love".

The film is rated PG for Mild Language, and possible dangerous situations, along the lines of those contained in films such as Edward Scissorhands or Monsters Inc.

Tickets are just $7.00 online with a $0.50 convenience fee, or $7.00 at the door.

Online tickets available at www.edmt-tickets.com

This is a fundraiser to help support the Producer/Director of this independent film in future film making efforts as well as support for El Dorado Musical Theatre.

If you are interested in volunteering to be an usher or help in the ticket booth,

please contact:

Wade Sherman

Executive Producer

El Dorado Musical Theatre

(916) 941-SING


Donations Welcome

EDMT is a 501c3 non-profit organization that relies on charitable giving and sponsorships to thrive. Ticket sales and tuition alone cover only 60% of annual expenses. Donations may be directed to the Scholarship Fund, Building Fund, or general operations. Thank you for your generosity. Donations may be made online at www.edmt-tickets.com or by mailing to the EDMT office (see address below).

(Tax ID: 80-0001275)

El Dorado Musical Theatre is an award-winning, regional youth theater with a

mission to build confidence for life through excellence in theater performance.

PHONE 916-941-SING (7464) · FAX 916-941-7465

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